You might think of influencers and athletes like David Gandy, David Beckham, and Jeff Morgan ‘The Style OG’ as stylish. Certain men just look great no matter when you see them. This can lead to the incorrect assumption that it takes little to no effort to appear that way but style is not a magical trait that you’re born with.
In reality, it takes a consistent effort to appear effortless. But the great news is that it’s absolutely possible for you to create that kind of visual charisma without spending a ton of money or having your own personal stylist. So let’s discuss a few ways you can enhance your personal style.
1. Educate Yourself
When you first start out on your style journey, you might have a vague idea of what you want to achieve, but might be overwhelmed by the number of options that are available. As oxymoronic as it might sound, the more you study how to dress well and make clear, deliberate decisions about how you look, the easier it will come to you. There are several Youtube channels and blogs that can educate you on your sartorial journey, you just need to have the willingness to create the time and dedicate the effort.
2. Build a Proper Wardrobe
There are three qualities that drive nearly all of your wardrobe’s effects on your appearance: Fit, Fabric, and Function. When it comes to looking your best the main key is fit and function. A good fit is one that doesn’t just slide onto the body without it emphasizes the features you want to draw attention to and minimizes the ones you want to conceal. Personally, I’m of the mindset to dress one level above everyone else. If you’re dressed several levels above the rest, you run the risk of looking uneducated on style matters. If you’re dressed a level below you run the risk of looking like you lack the proper etiquette.
3. Give Yourself Time
Having a tight schedule is something most of us can relate too. In fact, its probably a top reason why people are turning to wash-and-go street/lounge wear. Instead, pick a time before your workweek begins and roughly plan out your outfits for the week. Do you have any big events, meetings, or parties you need a special outfit for? Does anything need to be dry-cleaned, washed, or tailored? Outlining your week will help you become more organized and cut time on the back end. Also, consider purchasing a valet to set out your wardrobe the day before. As the saying says, “Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.”
4. Tease the Senses
A study by the Library of Medicine shows that women (and men who like men) do get sexually aroused when they see men. And I’m sure 100% of people searching for a partner will say they prefer someone who looks like they put some effort into how they stepped out of the house. We are sensual creatures that rely on what we see to tell us if it’s safe and visually appealing. What you wear dramatically affects how your colleagues, friends, and strangers treat you so let’s make sure we’ve showered, freshened our breath, moisturized our skin, properly groomed our hair (including nose and ears), and are wearing a nice fragrance.
5. Practice Makes Prepared
Since the introduction of sportswear in the early 1900s, Americans have defined and redefined when and where certain clothes should be worn. Comfort has taken priority above tradition and dress codes are more loosely interpreted for “personal style” and fashion trends”. Americans don’t dress up because Americans love freedom. But, if we shift the way we see dressing up to more of a presentation, then surely we can understand the importance of rehearsals. Dressing up as often as possible will increase your comfort and self esteem so that it becomes a part of communicating who you are without speaking.